In 1 Samuel 17:29, when God’s people were threatened by a formidable foe (Goliath), David recognized the challenge as God’s cause. (“And David said, ‘Is there not a cause?’”) Today, children who are equally precious in the eyes of their heavenly Father are being threatened by the formidable forces of poor quality education, underachievement, and academic failure. There are people of faith who, like David, believe with all their hearts that the Lord can slay the educational giants that are taunting and threatening the children of God.

These people of faith represent The CAUSE:

We are educators who realize the transformative power of relationships and endeavor to bring the love of Christ that abides in us to bear upon the lives of the children entrusted to our care by…
- Identifying Christians who educate ACE children in public, private, or faith-based schools
- Targeting and engaging future educators in colleges and universities
- Investigating best practices of life-on-life transformation teaching and service
- Networking with Christian ACE educators to encourage, equip, and edify
- Developing products and services designed to enhance the effectiveness of Christian ACE educators