Christians Addressing Underserved Students in Education

We are educators…

who have a heart for children that, on paper, are considered academically disenfranchised, culturally different, and/or economically disadvantaged. We call them A.C.E. students for short. We strive to mobilize efforts to address their under-served needs. We realize the transformative power of relationships and endeavor to bring the love of Christ that abides in us to bear upon the lives of the children entrusted to our care. We invite you to join our CAUSE…


The Cause is a network of Christian educators who are compelled by the love of God.  We believe we are empowered by the Spirit of God to make a meaningful educational difference in the lives of under-resourced and under-served children.

The Cause educators look beyond labels to the possibility that God places within every child regardless of their academic standing, their cultural background, or the income levels of their parents.

….Committed to the CAUSE


Our children deserve the opportunity to be great.

Changing the focus of education.

Historically, the emphasis in education has been on
the 3Rs of reading, writing, and arithmetic.

We propose a rejuvenated focus on the new 3R formula:

(Rigor + Resources) x Relationships = Results

The Problem

A third to half of Black and Latino pupils entering kindergarten test in the bottom quarter of students in reading, math, and general knowledge.

The Solution

To mobilize people of faith to address the problem through faith-inspired, Christ honoring, transformational relationships…


We endeavor to bring the love of Christ that abides in us to bear upon the lives of the children entrusted to our care.

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